[Chez Jenny Saypaw Art header]

This site displays some of my fannish art, mostly in the form of photomanipulations. Many of the pieces here have been used as illustrations for titlepages of fanfic stories in the zines published by Blackfly Presses.

Click on the small picture to see the full-sized artwork.

[Small Wraith]

Title: Wraith
Fandom: SGA
[Small No Wall]

Title: No Wall
Fandom: TS
[Small SPN Family]

Title: Family
Fandom: SPN
[Small Mates]

Title: Mates
Fandom: LotR
[Small Grift of the Magi]

Title: titleplate for
Grift of the Magi
Fandom: SGA
[Small Journey]

Title: Journey
Fandom: TS
[Small Portrait of Sam]

Title: Portrait of Sam
Fandom: SPN
[Small Fractale]

Title: Fractale
Fandom: Angel/Buffy

Send feedback to jenny_saypaw@yahoo.com

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